The Miri Arab Madrasah, erected by illustrious people in the 16th century on the sun-drenched land of Bukhara with turquoise domes, is as beautiful as the legend associated with its creation.
Four centuries ago, in distant Yemen, Abdullah Yemeni, who ruled its lands, lived. Whether it happened or not, one day he saw a prophetic dream: a voice from above gave him the order to abdicate the throne, go to Bukhara and build a madrasah in this ancient eastern city, bringing the light of knowledge to people within its walls until the end of his days. Yemeni was a deeply religious man, and therefore accepted the dream as a sign of fate and went to the city in the middle of the sandy sea. Ubaidulakhan, who ruled Bukhara at that time, greeted the crown prince with oriental hospitality. The ruler was incredibly surprised by Yemeni's story about the dream, but decided to support a good cause.
Thus, the construction of the madrasah began with joint efforts. The kind disposition, innate modesty and kindness of the overseas prince captivated the local residents so much that they soon began to call Yemen “Miri Arab,” which translated means a saint who came from the Arab side. Later, the prince’s second name, which he acquired on the ancient land of the pearl of the East, Bukhara, was assigned to the educational institution he built, which was destined to become a stronghold of Islamic education throughout the Central Asian region, a landmark included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
To this day, the madrasah in the Persian style greets guests from different countries with carved wooden gates, sophisticated stone mosaics with elegant geometric patterns, floral patterns, sacred calligraphers’ letters, and the blue skies overturned onto the skufia-covered domes. In one of the two parts of Miri Arab - the lecture hall - the ashes of the holy prince rest. The emir who ruled these lands in the 16th century and his family found eternal peace within the walls of the madrasah.
Today - four centuries later - we can say with confidence: the Prince of Yemen’s dream was indeed prophetic. The light of knowledge continues to illuminate the madrasah to this day, pointing the way within its walls to righteous Muslims and those wishing to comprehend its basics from all over the world.
Canaan Travel is pleased to join guests and residents of our country going on holiday to Bukhara to visit this holy place, where history literally comes to life before our eyes.