Мавзолей Исмаила Самани, возведённый на древней земле красавицы-Бухары на рубеже IX-X веков, стал ещё одним украшением прекрасного лика жемчужины Востока. В то время на этой земле процветала династия Саманидов, и первый камень строительства этого произведения искусства зодчества заложил правящий эмир Исмаил Самани. В момент возведения усыпальницы для своего отца правитель не мог и представить, что мавзолей станет подлинным шедевром архитектуры и символом исламского мира, прославит прекрасную Бухару — столицу Саманидского государства — далеко за её пределами.

Одна из легенд гласит, что на месте этого памятника много веков назад стоял храм, где свои мольбы к Богу Солнца возносили жившие на этой земле зороастрийцы. Немой свидетель тех далёких времён — купол центрической формы мавзолея Саманидов.

Wanderers who find themselves in these places perceive in the geometric forms of the attraction a connection with ancient mythology, Zoroastrian beliefs and Sufism, where the dome from time immemorial symbolized stability, embodying the dream of architects to capture in stone the beauty and grandeur of the endless heavenly expanse. The masters of antiquity managed to convey to us through the centuries the idea of the unity of all nations and religions, the entire Universe. The cube-shaped walls of the mausoleum, on which the dome rests, speak volumes about this more eloquently than words.

Even the conqueror Genghis Khan did not dare to destroy the walls of the holy place, where not only the father of the emir ruling your lands, but even Ismail Samani himself and his descendants found his final rest. As the ancient legend says, Genghis Khan did not dare to destroy the tomb in the center of the mazar - the fear of the spirits was so great. According to another story, local residents saved it from destruction by hiding the tomb from the Mongol-Tatars under a layer of sand.

Be that as it may, the mausoleum has not lost its grandeur for ten centuries, again and again charming travelers who come to see the beautiful Bukhara. Alas, history is silent about the names of the masters of this unique architectural monument, but the creation they created is undoubtedly amazing. Burnt bricks of 12 types, placed alternately vertically and horizontally, create a unique pattern, in many ways similar to ganch carvings traditional for the Bukhara lands.

Local residents believe in legends according to which the wicker motif surrounding the monument is a reminder of the beauty of the beautiful princess with forty braids - the daughter of the Margilan Shah, the roses in whose garden, they say, were enchanted girls...

There really is some magic in the ornament of the mausoleum: it changes its shape depending on the illumination by the sun's rays. Its beauty pleases the eye even in the light of the night star.

Canaan Travel is ready, together with the guests and residents of Uzbekistan going on vacation to the beautiful ancient city, to experience the beauty and secrets of this building. According to legends, if you walk around it three times, even your deepest wish will come true.